Teresa Antonacci was born in 1964 in the province of Bari (Puglia, Italy) where she currently lives and works. She is a company manager and is married with three children and one granddaughter.La dodicesima stanza/The Twelfth Roomis her fifth book, published by Les Flneurs Edizioni in 2016. Her other publications include:Lasciami sognare(2012),Rinascer pesce(2014),C' modo e modo(2015),La casa della domenica(2015),Enrico fatto di vento(2017),Una storia imperfetta(2018),Quasi(2020). She has participated in numerous literary awards and in 2020 she was the winner of the XIV edition of the Premio Giovane Holden with her last bookQuasi. Connie Guzzo McParlandholds a BA in Italian Literature and a Master's degree in Creative Writing from Concordia University. Upon graduation from the Master's program, in 2007, she received the David McKeen Award for creative writing for her thesis-novel,Girotondo.In 2005, an excerpt from this novel,Verso Halifax, won second prize at the ninth edition of thePremio Letterario Cosseriain Cosseria, Italy. Her first novel,The Girls of Piazza d'Amore,(Linda Leith Publishing, 2013), was shortlisted for the Concordia First Novel Award by the Quebec Writers' Federation. Her second novel,The Women of Saturn,(Inanna Publications, 2017)was translated into Italian and published in 2021 by Rubbettino Editore asLe donne di Saturno.This translated version won second prize at the 2022Concorso Letterario Internazionale Citta di Crucoli, Lucrezia Paletta, and a special jury award from the 2022Premio Vitruvio(Lecce, Italy). A biography of the operatic Quilico family,An Opera in 3 Actswas published in English and French in the fall of 2022 by Linda Leith Publications.The Twelfth Roomis her first work of translation. She lives in Montreal and, since 2010, has co-directed Guernica Editions.