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Gua de campo de iLANDing

iLAND iLAND Jennifer Monson



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53rd State Press
15 October 2023
La Gua de campo de iLANDing contiene 75partituras para la investigacin de espacios urbanos que fueron desarrolladas alo largo de diez aos por el Laboratorio Interdisciplinario de Arte, Naturalezay Danza. En estos laboratorios, artistas y cientficos generaban metodologashbridas para un acercamiento a la ecologa urbana fundamentado en la danza ydiseado para cualquiera que desee experimentar la incursin de la naturalezaen la ciudad o descentrar los metodos antropocentricos habituales de navegarpor el mundo. Lleva una introduccin de la fundadora de iLAND, Jennifer Monson.
Introduction by:  
Edited by:  
Imprint:   53rd State Press
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 190mm,  Width: 114mm, 
ISBN:   9781737025597
ISBN 10:   1737025590
Pages:   178
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

iLAND(Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Art, Nature and Dance) is a dance researchorganization that investigates the power of dance, in collaboration with otherfields, to illuminate our kinetic understanding of the world. iLAND is at theforefront of collaborative art and environmental projects, promoting dialogueand integration between disciplines in creative processes, research, andproject development. iLAND believes that the results of such reciprocalresearch are informed and enriched by the different approaches of artists andscientists. Art and environmental projects are uniquely positioned to addressthe complicated challenges posed by climate change and the many issuessurrounding the use of natural resources. iLAND's programs support the developmentof sustainable cultural practices, and stimulate and encourage creative anddynamic interactions with the environment.

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