Kevin Eastman (1962) is the co-creator, with Peter Laird, of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a pop-culture juggernaut that appeared in 1984 and has since spawned four animated television series, six feature films, countless toys, and numerous comic-book series, the most recent of which is published by IDW and is the longest-running to date. Kevin lives in San Diego with his wife and son. Tom Waltz is a former active duty U.S. Marine, Desert Storm vet, and former California National Guard Military Policeman. He is an editor for IDW Publishing, as well as the writer of critically-acclaimed graphic novels, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Last Fall, Children of the Grave, Finding Peace (with Nathan St John), After the Fire, Silent Hill- Sinner's Reward, Silent Hill- Past Life, Silent Hill Downpour- Annie's Story, and others. He has also worked on video games, including as co-writer for Silent Hill- Downpour (Konami), and writer for Ghostbusters- Sanctum of Slime (Atari), TMNT- Brothers Unite (Paramount), and TMNT- Mutants in Manhattan (Activision). He grew up in Clinton, Michigan and makes his home in San Diego with his wife and two children.