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The Best Treasure

Sherri Mandell Tamara Anegon

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Behrman House Inc.,U.S.
22 January 2025
""This warm, comforting story reminds readers about the joys of true friendship."" -Jewish Book Council

""A story about valuing friends and our time with them...perfect for young children and beginning readers."" -Association of Jewish Libraries

Is it trash or treasure? Gavi and Mo just can't agree. But they CAN agree that they are the very best of friends.

Two friends-a hippo and a kangaroo-set off to spend a morning together, looking for treasure. But while Gavi finds treasure everywhere; Mo only sees junk. Gavi collects the trinkets, convinced of their value; Mo simply doesn't understand. As they explore, dance together, and have fun, Gavi and Mo discover a priceless treasure on which they can both agree, in this early reader picture book for ages 4-7.
Illustrated by:   Tamara Anegon
Imprint:   Behrman House Inc.,U.S.
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 209mm,  Width: 165mm, 
ISBN:   9781681156408
ISBN 10:   1681156407
Pages:   48
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 4 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Sherri Mandell won a National Jewish Book Award for The Blessing of a Broken Heart. She has also authored two other children's picture books, The Elephant in the Sukkah and The Upside Down Boy and the Israeli Prime Minister. She is the co-founder of the Koby Mandell Foundation. She lives in Israel.   Tamara Anegon illustrated Look Out, Leonard!, Miriam and the Sasquatch, and other books for children. She lives in Madrid.

Reviews for The Best Treasure

""In the after­word to The Best Trea­sure, Sher­ri Man­del quotes an old Jew­ish proverb: ​“Who finds a faith­ful friend finds a trea­sure.” Her pic­ture book illus­trates this say­ing by way of a sim­ple, touch­ing mes­sage and del­i­cate, col­or­ful art. Gavi, a kan­ga­roo with a capa­cious pouch, and Mo, a hip­popota­mus, are good friends who are search­ing for trea­sure. Their prob­lem is that they do not agree on the mean­ing of the word trea­sure, and, as anoth­er old proverb teach­es us, one per­son­’s trea­sure is anoth­er per­son­’s trash. Gavi sees val­ue in the many bright, shiny objects that they dis­cov­er along the way; Mo thinks these objects are noth­ing but junk. But after an adven­tur­ous after­noon of hunt­ing for trea­sure, they agree on one very impor­tant thing: that the best and most valu­able trea­sure of all is deep and abid­ing friendship. This warm, com­fort­ing sto­ry reminds read­ers about the joys of true friend­ship. There is much to appre­ci­ate about each oth­er, even when we have dif­fer­ent out­looks and opinions."" —Jewish Book Council ""Two good friends, a hippo named Mo and a kangaroo named Gavi, decide to spend the morning looking for treasure together. But they can’t agree about what a real treasure is. Gavi collects whatever looks shiny or colorful or fun to him while Mo doesn’t agree on the value of these ordinary items and sees them only as junk. They continue to explore the neighborhood together and eventually conclude that each friend is the other’s treasure and being together is the most fun of all! The colorful and amusing illustrations portray a warm friendship and expressive characters. The simple words and short sentences make the story perfect for young children and beginning readers. While there is nothing overtly Jewish, it is a story about valuing friends and our time with them. Sherri Mandell is an Israeli-American author, mother, and activist who won the National Jewish Book Award in 2004 for her spiritual memoir The Blessing of a Broken Heart about the tragic kidnapping and murder of her son, Koby. She created the Koby Mandell Foundation in 2002 which provides healing programs for families directly affected by terror in Israel. Her sensitivity and curiosity along with her love of animals and children are evident in this fun search for treasure."" —Association of Jewish Libraries

  • Winner of Incentive Award 2018 (United States)
  • Winner of National Jewish Book Award 2004 (United States)
  • Winner of Partners in Peace Award 2004 (United States)

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