Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan's power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the droves of Titans press on, Eren, long unrecognizable as a friend, a brother, a savior, has become indiscernible from a devil... Now, Mikasa, Armin, and the surviving members of the Survey Corps must band together with their sworn enemies--Marleyan soldiers and 104th defectors--to save the world.
The blockbuster action manga that inspired the epic anime stampedes towards its climax!
Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan's power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the droves of Titans press on, Eren, long unrecognizable as a friend, a brother, a savior, has become indiscernible from a devil... Now, Mikasa, Armin, and the surviving members of the Survey Corps must band together with their sworn enemies--Marleyan soldiers and 104th defectors--to save the world.
Hajime Isayama Imprint: Kodansha International Country of Publication: United States Volume: 32 Dimensions:
Height: 191mm,
Width: 128mm,
Spine: 15mm
Weight: 176g ISBN:9781646510313 ISBN 10: 1646510313 Series:Attack on Titan Pages: 1 Publication Date:16 February 2021 Recommended Age: From 16 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active
With his debut series, Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama has enjoyed a meteoric rise from unknown to one of Japan's top comics artists.