Lennard Zinn was a member of the US national cycling team and is a lifelong endurance athlete. He has reported on major stories for VeloNews for 30 years and is the author of the world's best-selling guide to bicycle maintenance and repair. Zinn has a degree in physics and has built custom bicycles for over 30 years.
Praise for Lennard Zinn and His Bike Maintenance Guides ""Longtime VeloNews technical writer Lennard Zinn's maintenance books are bibles for both pro and amateur wrenches. Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance is a beast of a book and can help you remedy any problem that might arise while working on a road bike. It's packed with in-depth explanations and useful diagrams. No workbench is complete without it."" -- ""VeloNews magazine"" ""Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance has instructions on anything an aspiring wrench would want to know. What impresses most is Lennard's overall approach of simplifying a task and reminding us how rewarding it is to perform our own service.""-- ""Podium Café"" ""Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance is the gold standard textbook for aspiring home mechanics. From simple tasks such as fixing a flat tire to advanced overhauls of drivetrains or brakes, this book's step-by-step guides explain the tasks and tools your newbie will need to get the job done right."" -- ""RoadBikeReview.com"" ""Lennard Zinn is a veritable cycling Einstein and, as a naturally gifted teacher, he has the unique ability to explain even the most difficult mechanical task. So unless you currently ride on a high-profile pro team with your own mechanic (and maybe even then), Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance is an absolute 'must-have' book."" --Davis Phinney, Olympic medalist, national champion, and Tour de France stage winner ""Lennard Zinn is an institution in the bicycle worlda legend. Legions of cyclists have learned to repair bikes from him, ridden bicycles he's built, or used his advice as guidance on how to better enjoy the world on two wheels.""-- ""Bicycle Times magazine"" ""Lennard Zinn may work for 'the enemy', but we at BikeRadar will be the first to acknowledge his contributions to the dark art of bike fixin'. His bible for the home (and pro) mechanic is now in its fifth edition, with updates covering all the latest tech...There are almost 500 pages in this impressive volume, which is extensively illustrated to help you tackle virtually any bike repair task.""-- ""BikeRadar.com"" ""Lennard Zinn really is the world's most helpful and comprehensive human when it comes to bicycle repair and maintenance.""-- ""Bike magazine"" ""This smartly organized guide shows how to repair new and old bicycles from top to bottom. Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance is essential cycling gear for all road and cyclocross riders."" -- ""Crossbikereview.com"" ""Today's bicycles are complicated machines that can be expensive to maintain and repair. Zinn has written this book to help both the leisure bike rider and expert mechanic handle almost any problem associated with road bikes.""-- ""Library Journal"" ""We often hear that triathletes don't do their own bike maintenance - that we don't know (and don't care) how to wrench our bikes. But as athletes who make a sport of flying our bikes all over the world only to build them back up with just a pair of Allen wrenches, we know all too well how important it is to know the ins and outs of bike care. Your copy of Zinn probably won't be your every day go-to guide for bike care. But on those days when your race steed needs some serious maintenance, or even just when you're proactively researching for a little more knowledge if the worst should strike you on the road far from home - you will be glad you have Zinn in your library.""-- ""AeroGeeks""