A veteran law enforcement officer, Stu Jones has served in patrol, narcotics, and criminal investigations, as an instructor of firearms and police defensive tactics, and as a team leader of a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team. He is trained and qualified as a law enforcement SWAT sniper, as well as in hostage rescue and high-risk entry tactics. Jones served for three years with a U.S. Marshal's Regional Fugitive Task Force - hunting the worst of the worst. www.stujonesfiction.com Gareth Worthington holds a degree in marine biology, a PhD in Endocrinology, an executive MBA, is Board Certified in Medical Affairs, and works for the pharmaceutical industry. An authority in ancient history, Gareth has hand-tagged sharks and trained in various martial arts. He has contributed to SciFi Now, CultureFly, and served as a panelist at MCM Comicon and Cymera. He's a member of International Thriller Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, and the British Science Fiction Association. Gareth has lived around the world and resides in Switzerland. garethworthington.com