Lydia Poulteney holds a Bachelor of Arts in Film Theory and Practice from the University of Kent. As a former British Airways Air Hostess, Lydia has traveled the world, exploring new countries as well as well as meeting people of all backgrounds, from the royal family to Elvis impersonators in Las Vegas... but unfortunately no one as eclectic as the Simpsonians of Springfield, as it seems the planes just couldn't decide whether or not to land in Springfield Massachusetts or Springfield Illinois! Along with her fiancé James Hicks, they created the YouTube channel The Simpsons Theory in 2020, which concentrates on the mysteries of the show that furthers its geographical location. James Hicks holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media Production from the University of Lincoln. He is an avid film lover, and an insatiable reader. James is the co-creator of The Simpsons Theory YouTube channel and driving force of the channel, ensuring Lydia is awake, content is written and that every moment Moleman has bitten the dust is counted! The Simpsons Theory was built with the aim to create a virtual love-letter to the show that provided a slice of escapism during Lydia and James' childhoods (every night at 6pm) as well as integrating itself into their adult lives.
“A lighthearted yet often insightful romp into the Simpsons universe and its cultural impact. Lydia and James’s writing elegantly paints a picture of Springfield in my head, as though I were right there at 742 Evergreen Terrace.” —Josh Strider, YouTuber at PhantomStrider “Did The Simpsons really, truly predict anything? I predict you’ll have to purchase this book to get the true story.” —Bill Oakley, Simpsons writer and producer “A perfect book for any fan of animation!” —Stephen Carver, YouTuber at Saberspark “As a member of the Stonecutters, I can assure you that if anything in this book were true, we wouldn't have let it be printed… A must read for anyone who wants to know how we do it.” —Jefferson Weekly, Simpsons prop designer “The Simpsons accurately predicted that I would love this book! A must read for Simpsons die-hards.” —Johnny2Cellos, cohost of the Cartoons that Curse podcast “Full of analysis and callbacks from all eras of the show, this book is sure to embiggen the knowledge of even the biggest Simpsons fan and help them recontextualize how the show is put together.” —Al-Tariq, YouTuber at ToonrificTariq “Just when you thought you knew it all, Lydia and James manage to open up a whole new can of Simpsons theories that’ll blow every fan’s mind!” —Brendan Dando, cohost of the Four Finger Discount podcast “Simpsons fans will enjoy this overview of three decades’ worth of animated dysfunctional family life and its analysis of the show’s ability to foreshadow future events.“ —Lisa Henry, Library Journal