The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry is the Episcopal Church’s 27th Presiding Bishop. He was the Bishop of North Carolina from 2000 to 2015. Bishop Curry has a national preaching and teaching ministry and is a regular on TV and radio and a frequent speaker at conferences around the country. His books include Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus; Following the Way of Jesus: Church’s Teachings for a Changing World; and Love Is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times. MEGAN CASTELLAN is an ordained Episcopal priest, working extensively across generations within the church. She has marked how the younger generations approach the institution and its ancient traditions with a mix of awe and concern. Part of her ministry, though writing, years as a successful college chaplain, work as a diocesan youth worker, and as a preacher, has been to translate the ancient language of the Church into language that is approachable and inviting for the seekers of today. She lives in Ithaca, New York. The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén is Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries and Director, Ethnic Ministries for The Episcopal Church. Father Adrian Cardenas-Torres is Priest-in-Charge of the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Luke (Panama City, Republic of Panama). He has co-authored several publications in collaboration with the United Nations on faith and development and other devotional and Christian education publications with The Episcopal Church. For over 20 years he has been a translator on subjects ranging from theology, anthropology, human rights, finance, to liturgy, devotionals, and poetry. He lives in Ancon, Panama.
Michael Curry es un lider refrescante y profetico que tiene un mensaje poderoso y simple: que los cristianos deben seguir a Jesus. Este libro es una excelente introduccion sobre como y porque los cristianos estan llamados a vivir de acuerdo con las ensenanzas y el ejemplo de Jesucristo: un camino de amor sacrificial por los mas vulnerables, la justicia racial y la reconciliacion, y por la creacion de Dios. Que palabras tan maravillosas la del Obispo. -Jim Wallis, El autor mas vendido del New York Times de El pecado original de las Americas: racismo, privilegio blanco y el puente hacia una nueva America y presidente de peregrinos A medida que el Obispo Presidente Curry predica el Movimiento de Jesus en toda la iglesia, los episcopales estamos siendo transformados. En este oportuno volumen, el comparte con nosotros parte de su vasta sabiduria biblica y teologica, y nos presenta a los lideres que estan luchando junto a el para crear la Comunidad Amada. Seguir el Camino de Jesus les da a los episcopales la fuerza, la comprension y el coraje para hacer el trabajo que Dios nos ha encomendado. -La reverenda Gay Clark Jennings, presidente de la Camara de Diputados de la Iglesia Episcopal