Ronald Farrington Sharp, Esquire, has practiced family and estate law since 1975 after attending the University of Michigan and Wayne State University Law Schools. He has personally prepared over three thousand trusts and is the author of Living Trusts for Everyone and Winning the Divorce War (both from Allworth Press), as well as No Regrets, No Remorse (Poisoned Pen Press). An award-winning mystery writer and sculptor, Sharp is married to the artist Susannah Keith and has three children and three terrific granddaughters. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
A very good book, easy to read. It does what it says and does it well, while remaining easily accessible and readable by all. Sharp has translated 'lawyerspeak' to everyday common language that we can all understand. --Terry Bertram, Esq., Legacy Law, PLLC, Ronald Sharp takes what can be a confusing topic for many people and provides clear explanations about how to approach this important tax--and family--topic. --Pia Bennett, CFP, financial planner, Select Financial Services Group, Inc. A concise and easy-to-understand guide to probate avoidance that includes more than just living trusts. Nearly everyone can use one or more of these easy-to-use techniques to pass on their estates with no court involvement and little cost. Read this before you see your attorney. Highly recommended. --Laury Weiner, CPA, CFP, Weiner Financial Group, LLC