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Living Trusts for Everyone

Why a Will Is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle Estates (Second Edition)...

Ronald Farrington Sharp



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Allworth Press,U.S.
06 April 2017
The misconceptions surrounding the last will and testament need to be put to rest: Wills benefit lawyers. Trusts benefit you. Period. Too often lawyers sell wills to clients only to sit back and wait to sell their probate services to their client' s heirs. Modern estate planning should utilize the Living Trust as the effective, efficient, and inexpensive alternative to a will. Living Trusts for Everyone: Why a Will is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle explains why wills are not the best way to handle an estate and details the many advantages trusts have over wills in not only eliminating probate, but protecting your assets for your heirs. Anyone with minor children, disabled beneficiaries, blended families, or spendthrift heirs must have a trust to be sure the assets left behind are put to good use, and that your intentions are carried out. Lawyers may have vested interests in perpetuating the probate system, but this book will explain why legal services are not needed to do the clerical work in settling a trust after death. No legal jargon or confusing double-speak, just specific step-by-step instructions and sample form letters to settle a trust are included to take the mystery out of the process. This is not a do-it-yourself book and it doesn't try to cram every type of trust onto its pages. Living Trusts for Everyoneexplains in specific terms what benefit a trust will have for you and gives you the tools to settle a loved one's trust with no lawyers and no expense. For those who already have a trust, there is a list of what to look for to see if your trust is any good, or if it needs to be updated. Trust seminars are examined with warnings on what to look out for in setting up your trust. Everyone who cares about what happens to their assets at death should read Living Trusts for Everyone: Why a Will is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle!

Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don't aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.
Imprint:   Allworth Press,U.S.
Country of Publication:   United States
Edition:   Second Edition
Dimensions:   Height: 210mm,  Width: 140mm,  Spine: 15mm
Weight:   204g
ISBN:   9781621535676
ISBN 10:   1621535673
Pages:   192
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 18 to 100 years
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Ronald Farrington Sharp is an attorney who concentrated on family law and divorce for the first half of his career before gradually shifting the focus of his practice to the areas of trusts, estate planning, and probate. The firm he established in 1975 works closely on a referral basis with a variety of professionals in developing a comprehensive estate plan package. Sharp has personally prepared more than three thousand trusts and estate plans, and he is also the author of Winning the Divorce War (Allworth Press). He is married, has three adult children and one grandchild, and divides his time between Michigan and Florida.

Reviews for Living Trusts for Everyone: Why a Will Is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle Estates (Second Edition)

Sharp makes a reasoned and strong case for the use of trusts as a complete alternative for wills. For roughly the cost of a lunch, Living Trusts for Everyone can . . . equip the average American with enough thoughtful questions to ensure that his or her lawyer is doing all that s/he can to protect that person's assets. For that alone, it belongs on your reading list. -Logan Lo, New York Journal of Books Ronald Sharp explains trusts in clear and easy-to-understand language, including one truth most lawyers don't want to admit: a trust is often better than a will and less costly! -Lonnie Mclane, Estate & Tax Consultants, LLC If you want to know a good deal about estate planning and trusts but don't want a four-hundred-page boring book to read, I highly, highly recommend getting this one. It's short, to-the-point, and very informative. -Free Money,

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