Jay Conrad Levinson is the author of the best-selling marketing series in history, """"Guerrilla Marketing,"""" plus 58 other business books. His books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 60 languages. Jay also conducts guerrilla marketing training programs, hosts the very popular Internet website, www.gmarketing.com, and formed The Guerrilla Marketing Association.
Congrats to my dear friend and devoted entrepreneur Andrew Neitlich on his new book Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career. This is a brilliant career success book by a brilliant writer and educator who embodies Integrity. The same practices he preaches in his works he practices in his life. I'm honored to call him my friend and colleague. Leonard Marshall, NFL Hall of Fame, two-time Superbowl Champion, Entrepreneur Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career arms you with the tools required to make powerful decisions and realize an extraordinary life. A person ready to take charge of their life will love this book. Kristina Mercier, CPC, CEC, CCC; Life and Career Designer