Gallup Global Practice Leader Tom Rath is the author of the b estselling How Full Is Your Bucket?, and StrengthsFinder 2.0. In total, Rath's books have sold more than a million copies and have made more than 100 appearances on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Rath has been with Gallup for 14 years and currently leads Gallup's workplace research and leadership consulting worldwide. He and his wife, Ashley, live in Washington, D.C. A renowned Leadership Consultant, Gallup's Barry Conchie is sought after by CEOs around the world to assist in aligning business and talent strategies that drive performance. Conchie was a public sector leader in the UK before joining Gallup in London. In 2002, he brought his extensive global experience to Gallup's Washington, D.C. headquarters, where Conchie now leads Gallup's executive leadership consulting. He lives in Maryland with his wife and two children.