Michael Clarke, Kyoshi 7th dan, Okinawan Goju-ryu, has trained in karate since 1974. He has written over three hundred articles for international martial arts magazines and authored four books. A young 'street fighter' in England who became a disciplined student of budo in Okinawa, Clarke enthusiastically teaches traditional Goju-ryu Karate in his dojo in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.
The spirit of karate is alive and well in Shin Gi Tai -- Dr. Damon Young, from his forward Aim high and train hard, go to the source of your karate, and seek its essence. -- Stan Schmidt, 8th dan, from his foreword Michael Clarke re-introduces the traditional approach to karate training in a way that can be well understood. -- John Porta, Hanshi, 9th dan, from his forward