Verena Brunschweiger is an author, passionate childfree activist, and feminist. She was born in Passau, Germany, in 1980. She studied German, English, and Philosophy at Regensburg University, received her Ph.D. in 2007, and teaches at a Bavarian grammar school. She is a passionate member of Theater Regensburg's extra choir, performing in several operas by Verdi, Wagner, and Bizet. She still accompanies her favorite professional basso on the piano. Reading books in five languages is another great passion.
""Brunschweiger's feminist engagement is as instructive as it's entertaining."" --Susanne Baller, Journalist, Stern ""Brunschweiger's theses are important and worth pondering. They hurt, because they show that having kids is not only an individual decision, but has influence on the fate of every living creature."" --Marlen Hobrack, Journalist, Der Freitag ""What if instead of giving birth to children, more women chose to give birth to important ideas and projects, revolutionary inventions, inspiring art, or simply a fulfilling existence? Verena Brunschweiger passionately challenges patriarchal norms, discussing that there is obviously a wider range of roles women can play other than motherhood. But that's not all--she explains how lower birth rates can better the world."" --Dr. Camila Perussello, Author of Food for Thought ""Verena Brunschweiger doesn't want mankind to go extinct. On the contrary, she wants to make sure that there is a future, for people and in general. She tackles a taboo many environmentalists shy away from: the fact that reducing plastic doesn't suffice if the population growth continues like this. It's her merit to have brought this emotionally and politically difficult topic to everyone's attention. The voluntary renunciation to procreate she propagates is based on ecological reasons. She presents these convincingly in the first part of her book, adding ethical and feminist points."" --Sacha Rufer, Book Reviewer, Umweltnetz-Schweiz