David A. Hughes is Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln (UK). He received his undergraduate and master's degrees from Oxford University and holds doctorates in German Studies from Duke University and International Relations from Oxford Brookes University. His research focuses on psychological warfare, 9/11, COVID-19, the deep state, technocracy, global class relations, and resurgent totalitarianism.
“For nearly a century, aware people have feared the ascent of technocrats in service of the totalitarian corporate elite. As Dr. David Hughes clearly establishes, that moment has arrived with dire consequences for all humanity, save for the ruling transnational criminal class and its carefully chosen guardians.”—Douglas Valentine, author of The CIA as Organized Crime “Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State lays out the shocking continuity of the totalitarian mindset among the so-called ‘elites’ from the rise of fascism after World War I into the present. Hughes thus highlights how ‘the plan to destroy liberal democracy in the interests of finance capital’ is at least nine decades old, and how ‘smart’ technology is intended to facilitate today what failed then.”—Uwe Alschner of Never Again Is Now Global