Michelle Mullennix has been creating recipes as long as she can remember, but in more recent years she has focused on becoming more self-reliant in the kitchen. She lives on a homestead in Cave Creek, Arizona.
“Michelle’s lifestyle inspires a return to the roots of food and cooking. She teaches the essential skills for cooking from scratch that foster a deeper connection to the food we eat and the land it comes from. Cooking recipes from her cookbook will give you a new appreciation for the entire food journey.” —Brittany Keim, @thesilverpigeon “The Self-Reliant Kitchen is a cozy cookbook that brings us back to our more traditional roots. With delicious recipes from the heart and a warm homestead vibe, it’s the perfect book to ignite a new passion for from-scratch cooking or to re-inspire an old one.” —Brooke Hamblen, chef “The Self-Reliant Kitchen is the cookbook I have been looking for. I am tired of a system that focuses on unhealthy, heavily processed foods, but I am new to cooking. With this cookbook I was able to find recipes that are healthy, easy-to-understand and delicious.” —Jessica Owens “I am so excited for this cookbook. I want to get back the roots of family meals being held at the dinner table with warm, from-scratch, meals. Learning to do things “the traditional way” as Michelle does is a big task and with these recipes it makes it feel simple and exciting.” —Hannah Mesic