Alan Dershowitz is one of the most celebrated lawyers in the world. He was the youngest full professor in Harvard Law School history where he is now the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus. The author of numerous bestselling books, fromChutzpahtoGuilt by AccusationtoThe Case Against Impeaching TrumptoThe Best DefensetoReversal of Fortune(which was made into an Academy Awardwinning film) toDefending Israel, Dershowitz has advised presidents and prime ministers and has represented many prominent men and women, half of them pro bono.
Mazal tov to Alan for his important fiftieth book about the 'frightening devolution from principle to partisanship.' In my inaugural address, I spoke about the dangers of political polarization and about the critical importance of dialogue and genuine respect for the other. I hope that Alan Dershowitz's book fosters an honest dialogue that enriches rather than costs 'jobs, reputations--and even friendships.' --Isaac Herzog, president of Israel Forty-five years ago, when I was in the Soviet prison, Alan Dershowitz's voice--as my lawyer and on behalf of democratic dissidents behind the Iron Curtain--was principled, powerful, and effective. His new timely book, The Price of Principle, raises important contemporary issues of partisanship, the breakdown of civil discourse and norms of free speech, and the polarization of American public life as seen in cancellation and intolerance of dissent. --Natan Sharansky, former Soviet refusnik, Israeli leader, author, and human rights activist I have known Alan Dershowitz for almost fifty years. Whether or not you agree with him on any particular occasion, he is absolutely a man of principle. --Susan Estrich, partner Estrich Goldin LLP, former professor at Harvard Law School and USC Alan Dershowitz's commitment to his principles is today consistent with those he held as a Yale law student in 1959. The world has changed but not Dersh. At eighty-three he stands as unbowed as he ever was. As courageous and provocative an advocate as the American legal community can boast. --Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, president emeritus of George Washington University I have strongly disagreed with Alan Dershowitz on particular civil liberties issues, some of which I have debated with him on national TV shows. However, I respect the fact that his positions reflect his understanding of constitutional law and civil liberties principles, which he applies consistently, regardless of the identities or ideologies involved in particular situations. In a political and cultural climate where partisan 'tribes' wield increasing power, I am happy to join Dershowitz--and others with whom I disagree on particular issues--in the heterogeneous 'tribe' of supporters of classical liberal values. --Nadine Strossen, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law Emerita, New York Law School Perhaps the greatest lawyer in the world . . . a national treasure. --Gregg Kelly, TV host of Greg Kelly Reports A living profile in courage. --Steve Forbes The fearless, peerless Alan Dershowitz. --Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, late Chief Rabbi of Great Britain Alan Dershowitz speaks with great passion and personal courage. --Elie Wiesel An intellectual heavyweight. --The Economist Astonishingly brilliant courtroom presence [and] a subtle and compelling theorist of civil liberties. --Henry Louis Gates Loud, provocative, brilliant, and principled. . . . --Politico In fifty years of working with Alan Dershowitz, I have never met a more principled or honest advocate for truth. --Irwin Cotler, former Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Canada