Writer-artist-editor Harvey Kurtzman teamed with legendary artists Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Al Feldstein, John Severin, Will Elder, and Dave Berg to create these powerful stories of struggle and humanity that are considered to be among the best war stories ever told.
Writer-artist-editor Harvey Kurtzman teamed with legendary artists Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Al Feldstein, John Severin, Will Elder, and Dave Berg to create these powerful stories of struggle and humanity that are considered to be among the best war stories ever told.
Now, Dark Horse is proud to present this first incredible volume, reprinting the first six complete issues of Two-Fisted Tales, originally published in 1950 and 1951.
Wally Wood, John Severin Illustrated by:
Wally Wood, John Severin Foreword by:
Stephen A Geppi Imprint: Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 277mm,
Width: 207mm,
Weight: 369g ISBN:9781506721149 ISBN 10: 1506721141 Pages: 216 Publication Date:26 September 2023 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active