Robin Robinson is a renowned whiskey educator who created the popular Whiskey Smackdown series at the Astor Center in New York City. He has taught at the Culinary Institute of America and the Institute for Culinary Education, and given lectures and seminars at the American Distilling Institute, Bar Institute, and Tales of the Cocktail, among others. He has been featured in the pages of, Chicago Sun Times,,,, and other publications. Whisky magazine awarded him a 2014 Icon of Whisky Award, their highest commendation for brand ambassadors. He lives in NJ.
If your favorite whiskey lover still doesn't know what a mash bill is, consider giving them Robin Robinson's exceedingly enjoyable whiskey course in book form. --New York Magazine Whisky educator Robin Robinson sets out to demystify the spirit in this book that takes the form of a comprehensive 'tasting school, ' with ten classes that transport readers to the far-flung corners of the booming whisky world. The heavily illustrated tome delves into whisky history . . . the many styles of whisky and their production methods; and sensory appreciation of whisky--how to nose and taste. Each chapter offers a guided tour through the traditions of major whisky-producing countries . . . and also showcases crucial, if less heralded, hotspots such as India, Sweden, and France. His picks for top offerings from both new and established producers will help whisky lovers add to their lists of bottles to seek out. . . . A must-read for aspiring connoisseurs, and a thorough refresher for seasoned whisky lovers. --Whiskey Advocate Whisky educator Robin Robinson sets out to demystify the spirit in this book that takes the form of a comprehensive 'tasting school, ' with ten classes that transport readers to the far-flung corners of the booming whisky world. The heavily illustrated tome delves into whisky history . . . the many styles of whisky and their production methods; and sensory appreciation of whisky--how to nose and taste. Each chapter offers a guided tour through the traditions of major whisky-producing countries . . . and also showcases crucial, if less heralded, hotspots such as India, Sweden, and France. His picks for top offerings from both new and established producers will help whisky lovers add to their lists of bottles to seek out. . . . A must-read for aspiring connoisseurs, and a thorough refresher for seasoned whisky lovers. --Whiskey Advocate