A simple, visual guide to helping children understand English from Carol Vorderman
If English is sounding like a foreign language, make it easy and effortless with the ultimate study guide.
This visual reference book takes you through all the different parts of the English language, leaving you ready to help your children tackle the trickiest of subjects.
Carol Vorderman's unique study aid encourages parents and children to work together as a team to understand and use all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This latest title in the best-selling Help Your Kids series combines pictures, diagrams, instructions, and examples to cover the components of the school syllabus, while building knowledge, boosting confidence, and aiding understanding.
With your support, children can overcome the challenges of English, leaving them calm, confident, and exam ready.
Carol Vorderman
Imprint: Dorling Kindersley
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Height: 240mm,
Width: 202mm,
Spine: 15mm
Weight: 801g
ISBN: 9781409314943
ISBN 10: 1409314944
Series: DK Help Your Kids With
Pages: 256
Publication Date: 22 May 2013
Recommended Age: From 12 years
ELT Advanced
Children / Juvenile
Format: Paperback
Publisher's Status: Active
1: Foreword 2: Why learn the rules? 3: Spoken and written language 4: English around the world 5: Grammar 1: The purpose of grammar 2: Parts of speech 3: Nouns 4: Plurals 5: Adjectives 6: Comparatives and superlatives 7: Articles 8: Determiners 9: Pronouns 10: Number and gender 11: Verbs 12: Adverbs 13: Simple tenses 14: Perfect and continuous tenses 15: Participles 16: Auxiliary verbs 17: Irregular verbs 18: Verb agreement 19: Voices and moods 20: Phrasal verbs 21: Conjunctions 22: Prepositions 23: Interjections 24: Phrases 25: Clauses 26: Sentences 27: Compound sentences 28: Complex sentences 29: Using clauses correctly 30: Managing modifiers 31: Commonly misused words 32: Negatives 33: Relative clauses 34: Idioms, analogies and figures of speech 35: Colloquialisms and slang 36: Direct and indirect speech 6: Punctuation 1: What is punctuation? 2: Full stops and ellipses 3: Commas 4: Other uses of commas 5: Semi-colons 6: Colons 7: Apostrophes 8: Hyphens 9: Inverted commas 10: Question marks 11: Exclamation marks 12: Brackets and dashes 13: Bullet points 14: Numbers, dates and time 15: Other punctuation 16: Italics 7: Spelling 1: Why learn to spell? 2: Alphabetical order 3: Vowel sounds 4: Consonant sounds 5: Syllables 6: Morphemes 7: Understanding English irregularities 8: Roots 9: Prefixes and suffixes 10: Hard and soft letter sounds 11: Words ending in -e or -y 12: Words ending in -tion, -sion or -ssion 13: Words ending in -able or -ible 14: Words ending in -le, -el, -al or -ol 15: Single and double consonant words 16: The “i before e except after c” rule 17: Capital letters 18: Silent letters 19: Compound words 20: Irregular word spellings 21: Homonyms, homophones and homographs 22: Confusing words 23: Other confusing words 24: Abbreviations 25: British and American spellings 26: More British and American spellings 8: Communication skills 1: Effective communication 2: Picking the right words 3: Making sentences interesting 4: Planning and research 5: Paragraphing 6: Genre, purpose and audience 7: Reading and commenting on texts 8: Layout and presentational features 9: Writing to inform 10: Newspaper articles 11: Letters and e-mails 12: Writing to influence 13: Writing to explain or advise 14: Writing to analyse or review 15: Writing to describe 16: Writing from personal experience 17: Writing a narrative 18: Writing for the Web 19: Writing a script 20: Re-creations 21: Checking and editing 22: The spoken word 23: Debates and role plays 24: Writing a speech 25: Presentation skills 8: Reference 1: Reference - Grammar 2: Reference - Punctuation 3: Reference - Spelling 4: Reference - Communication skills 5: Glossary 6: Index 7: Acknowledgements
Carol Vorderman, one of Britain's best known and loved TV personalities, feels passionately about the value of education. Carol joined forces with DK in 1999 to become DK's Education Champion and has worked with them to build the bestselling Made Easy Series which includes Maths, English and Science.
Reviews for Help Your Kids with English: A Unique Visual Step by Step Guide
The queen of numbers has turned her attention to words. Combining colourful diagrams and illustrations with step-by-step instructions, this makes English easier to fathom. -- Natasha Harding The Sun