Anne Gjelsvik is a Professor of Film Studies at the Department of Art and Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. She has published extensively in both English and Norwegian. Her most recent book was Bearbeidelser. 22. juli i ord og bilder, about artistic treatments of the 2011 terror attacks in Norway. Among her other publications are Cinema Between Media, co-written with Jørgen Bruhn, and the edited collection Women of Ice and Fire: Gender, Game of Thrones and Multiple Media Engagements (co-edited with Rikke Schubart).
""This is a lovely book about a great Norwegian filmmaker. It is written with a nuanced film analytical sensibility to both larger themes and filmic details. Its combination of sharp discussions with a profound admiration of the filmmaker's work and an at once precise and easily accessible language makes it a pleasure to read."" --Professor Anne Jerslev, University of Copenhagen Combining an issues-oriented approach with sustained reflection on the craft of filmmaking, this rigorously researched study makes a huge contribution. Gjelsvik admirably captures the multi-facetted value of Trier's oeuvre and shows us what relevant, worthwhile filmmaking looks like. Marta Eidsvåg deserves credit for her magnificent translation. --Mette Hjort, Professor of Film and Screen Studies, University of Lincoln