Award-winning British author Dan Abnett has been a New York Times best-seller seven times and won the Best Comic Writer award in 2003. He has written more than fifty books - including best-selling Warhammer 40,000 novels and tie-in fiction for Doctor Who, Torchwood and Primeval. He co-created Death's Head and Knights of Pendragon for Marvel UK in the 1980s, and contributed extensively to the UK's illustrious 2000AD. He has also written Iron Man, New Mutants, Doctor Strange and Punisher for Marvel, and worked on some of Marvel's epic cosmic comics including the Annihilation and War of Kings events, and the Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy series. Abnett is also known for his work on major games such as Alien- Isolation and Shadow of Mordor. He has returned to Marvel's cosmos on Guardians 3000 and Guardians of Infinity.