It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Relive the legendary first journey into the dystopian future of 2013 - where Sentinels stalk the Earth, and the X-Men are humanity's only hope...until they die! Also featuring the first appearance of Alpha Flight, the return of the Wendigo, the history of the X-Men from Cyclops himself...and a demon for Christmas!? X-Men 138-141 (1963), Uncanny X-Men (1963) 142-143, Uncanny X-Men Annual (1970) 4
Chris Claremont Illustrated by:
John Byrne Imprint: Marvel Comics Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 259mm,
Width: 168mm,
ISBN:9781302928537 ISBN 10: 1302928538 Series:X-Men Pages: 184 Publication Date:19 January 2021 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active