General Editor
Admirable help for readers is provided in excellent glossaries of the reformers and theological terms, and in a well-chosen list of recommendations for further reading. The author makes the topics understandable and interesting. Recommended. -- Choice. One of the biggest advantages of this work for the beginning student is its stylistic simplicity. The author is deeply aware that unfamiliar technical language can be an enormous obstacle for beginning students of theology and church history...the other major advantage for this work has to do with its contents and organization. From beginning to end, there is a consistent pattern of presentation...Finally, while this work is ideally suited for beginning college and seminary students, there is much in it to commend it to the more advanced student as well as to the professional theologian and church historian...In these and other respects, this work is at once a highly accessible and subtly provocative summary of the beliefs and practices constitutive of the Protestant Reformation. -- Teaching Theology and Religion.