ELIE WIESEL was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. The author of more than fifty internationally acclaimed works of fiction and nonfiction, he was Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and University Professor at Boston University for forty years. Wiesel died in 2016.
Hassidic stories and rabbinic interpretations shine through the personal reminiscences and humble prayers addressed to God. <i>Saturday Review In this book of anecdotes, autobiographical fragments, conversations with victims, introspective analyses, dialogues of faith, and essays, [Wiesel] searches among the testimony of the survivors and contemporary events for possible answers or lessons that Auschwitz might have offered the generation born since the war. Society, he states, has not changed, and nothing has been learned. <i>Publishers Weekly In an incredibly moving collection of essays, tales, and autobiographical sketches, Wiesel describes the agonizing plight of the Holocaust survivor who must try to relate that which is beyond words, and to search for meaning in experiences that defy understanding. Many of the haunting themes, memorable characters, and striking episodes of Wiesel s novels are intimately revealed in these pages. <i>Library Journal</i>