Ruth Panofsky is a professor in the Department of English at Ryerson University.
‘Panofsy has traced the threads of the stories from Toronto to London and New York and back again, and as a result the reader is provided with a coherent and enlightening picture of Macmillan and Company in Canada.’ -- Chester Gryski * Amphora: The Journal of Alcuin Society, vol 161: Summer 2012 * ‘Panofsky has produced a valuable and insightful account of the way handful of visionary men worked hard to shape a Canadian Literary style and self-image.’ -- Charlotte Gray * Canada’s History Magazine February-March 2013 * ‘As a guide for “mapping culture” this readable book is a must for anyone interested in book history in Canada. It describes a venerable life: Macmillan of Canada, born December 1905 – died June 2002.’ -- George L. Parker * Papers of the Bibliographic Society of Canada vol 50:02; 2012 * ‘Ruth Panofsky’s history of Macmillan Canada in meticulously documented… It is pleasurably readable… The book has held the pride of place in my bedside reading, and is certainly an important contribution to the growing literature on the history of Canadian publishing.’ -- Misao Dean * Canadian Literature Autumn 2014 *