Sheryl Sandberg is Chief Operating Officer at Facebook. Prior to Facebook, Sandberg was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google. She previously served as Chief of Staff for the United States Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton.
If you loved Sheryl Sandberg's incredible TEDTalk on why we have too few women leaders, or simply believe as I do that we need equality in the boardroom, then this book is for you. As Facebook's COO, Sheryl Sandberg has first-hand experience of why having more women in leadership roles is good for business as well as society. Lean In is essential reading for anyone interested in righting the injustice of this inequality Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, the Virgin Group Sheryl provides practical suggestions for managing and overcoming the challenges that arise on the jungle gym of career advancement. I nodded my head in agreement and laughed out loud as I read these pages. Lean In is a superb, witty, candid, and meaningful read for women (and men) of all generations Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State Sheryl Sandberg brilliantly explains how she believes women must put themselves forward if the gender gap is ever to be closed - I agree, but I would add women should not only lean in, but also stand up and cheer. Martha Lane Fox Eleanor Roosevelt once said, 'No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.' With stories from her own life and data carefully researched, Sheryl Sandberg reminds women that they have to believe in themselves and reach for opportunities. More women than men may need that advice, but I'd bet that both genders would profit from this very well-done book Marjorie Scardino, Former CEO, Pearson PLC For the past five years, I've sat at a desk next to Sheryl and I've learned something from her almost every day. She has a remarkable intelligence that can cut through complex processes and find solutions to the hardest problems. Lean In combines Sheryl's ability to synthesize information with her understanding of how to get the best out of people. The book is smart and honest and funny. Her words will help all readers-especially men-to become better and more effective leaders Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO, Facebook