Helen Simpson's sixth short-story collection, Cockfosters, follows Four Bare Legs in a Bed (1990), Dear George (1995), Hey Yeah Right Get a Life (2000), Constitutional (2005) and In-Flight Entertainment (2010). A Bunch of Fives- Selected Stories (2012) includes five stories from each of her first five collections. She has received the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award, the Somerset Maugham Award, the Hawthornden Prize and the E.M.Forster Award. She lives in London.
Helen Simpson follows Four Bare Legs in a Bed with another delicious collection of short stories. Whether very definitely earthly - the first stirrings of pubescent sexual desire, the cumbersome realities of pregnancy and motherhood - or fantastical - a mysterious Christmas visitor, an oppressive paterfamilias who is transformed into a wild boar - the perfectly crafted stories explore the unspoken boundaries of modern love, family life and the sometimes unbridgeable gulf between men and women. Compulsive reading, if only to discover how a calculating wolf in gourmet's clothing is rewarded for his efforts... (Kirkus UK)