Christa Grossinger is Lecturer in the History of Art Department at the University of Manchester
Like all good textbooks, Web Radio has been clearly and carefully thought through in terms of its structure and objectives, there is a clarity of purpose that makes it particularly attractive. - The Radio Journal The book deserves the highest attention of all those broadcasters that are already involved in radio webcasting or who want to become involved in it. Franc Kozamernik, European Broadcasting Union It's a really good book - excellent if you've ever thought about setting up your own web radio station. What's a really good idea is the accompanying web site which will provide the latest info on trends, tools etc. Reader review from Written in an accessible, user-friendly style, backed with plenty of illustrations... For anyone thinking about setting up such a service, or already involved in one but believes it might not be reaching its potential, this is a 'must read'. Richard Rudin, in RADIO magazine ' ideal starting point for a study of web radio, either from a practical standpoint, or from the point of view of a theoretical discussion of this relatively new means of audio (and visual) communication. Armed with Chris Priestman's book, the aspiring new broadcaster has all he or she needs to start their own global adventure in radio.' Viewfinder