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A Guide for Jews and Christians

Francis Edward Peters



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Princeton University Pres
24 May 2005
The Quran is a sacred book with profound, and familiar, Old and New Testament resonances. And the message it promulgated, Islam, came of age during an extraordinarily rich era of interaction among monotheists. Jews, Christians, and Muslims not only worshipped the same God but shared aspirations, operated in the same social and economic environment, and sometimes lived side by side, indistinguishable by language, dress, or manners. Today, of course, little of this commonality is apparent, and Islam is poorly understood by most non-Muslims. Entering Islam through the same biblical door Muhammad did, this book introduces readers with Christian or Jewish backgrounds to one of the world's largest, most active, and - in the West - least understood religions.
Imprint:   Princeton University Pres
Country of Publication:   United States
Edition:   New Ed
Dimensions:   Height: 235mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 19mm
Weight:   454g
ISBN:   9780691122335
ISBN 10:   0691122334
Pages:   304
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  College/higher education ,  Undergraduate ,  Primary
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
"*FrontMatter, pg. i*Contents, pg. vii*Introduction, pg. xi*1. Discovering Scripture in Scripture, pg. 1*2. The Past Remembered, pg. 30*3. ""And Muhammad Is His Messenger"", pg. 51*4. The Prince of Medina, pg. 68*Muhammad and Jesus: An Essay in Comparison, pg. 96*5. The Muslim Scripture: The Quran, pg. 99*6. The Umma, Allah's Commonwealth, pg. 127*7. God's Way: A Life and a Law for Muslims, pg. 156*8. Defining and Defending the Community of Believers, pg. 186*9. The Worshipful Acts, pg. 216*10. This World and the Next, pg. 245*Reflections after a Breakfast, pg. 273*Index, pg. 277"

F. E. Peters is Professor of History, Religion, and Middle Eastern Studies at New York University and past chair of those departments. His books include The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the two-volume The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Competition (all Princeton).

Reviews for Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians

Clearly the reading public needs a book describing Islam that avoids trendy multiculturalism as well as Christian rejectionism. That is precisely what F.E. Peters provides in this lucid guide. Peters manifests all the virtues of clarity and fairness that come from a lifetime of study devoted to this complex and multifaceted religion. . . . Here is that most paradoxical of books: one that can change lives (and headlines), not by trying to convert, but simply by trying to describe. --Edward T. Oakes, S.J., First Things With this Guide, readers . . . who have wanted an informed and balanced account of Muslim belief and practice need wait no longer. --C. Clifton Black, Theology Today

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