For all men who are seeking a new vision ofmasculinity--one that allows them to explore new roles,reclaim ancient feelings, break free of society'sstereotypes, and learn to integrate body, mind,emotions, and spirit--A QuietStrength is an invigorating and inspiring companion.
Written by three of the preeminent writers andleaders of the men's movement, this daily guide toself-discovery offers 365 powerful meditations, eachwith an opening quotation and an accompanyingthought for the day. From The Odysseyto Carl Jung and Federico Garcia Lorca to D.H.
Lawrence come insightful quotations that open upworlds of healing wisdom, as the authors cover topicsthat include love, sex, the power of brotherhood,reconnecting with the earth, acknowledging theinner spirit, accepting and sharing feelings, theimportance of play, achieving balance, finding joy,healing the father wound, honoring the inner child,and much more.
Day by Day,A Quiet Strength will challenge andnurture you in your journey inward toward a fuller,more passionate life, spiritually groundedmasculinity, and richer relationships with family, friends,and lovers.