Ahoy, landlubber! Come with me. Board me ship upon the sea! Not a pirate? Don't know how?
Ye can learn to be one now!
Little landlubbers get to earn their sea legs on a pirate ship amidst the goofiest pirates ever. There's lingo to learn (Gangway! Blimey! Yo-ho-ho!), a pirate look to choose (Pick a parrot for your arm. Every pirate's lucky charm!), and most importantly, pirate rules to learn (No more toothpaste! Farewell, bath! Once ye choose the pirate path!).
This rollicking read-aloud will be a hit among boys, girls, and parents alike!
Sue Fliess Illustrated by:
Nikki Dyson Imprint: Golden Books Publishing Company, Inc. Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 203mm,
Width: 168mm,
Spine: 5mm
Weight: 113g ISBN:9780449813096 ISBN 10: 0449813096 Series:Little Golden Book Pages: 24 Publication Date:13 February 2014 Recommended Age: From 2 to 5 years Audience:
English as a second language
Format:Hardback Publisher's Status: Active
SUE FLIESS is a master at writing engaging stories for the preschool set. She wrote the Little Golden Book Robots, Robots Everywhere! NIKKI DYSON is an illustrator whose clients include American Greetings, Hallmark, and Usborne Publishing.