Scott Westerfeld's novels include Evolution's Darling, a New York Times Notable Book, as well as the Uglies series, the Leviathan trilogy, the Midnighters trilogy, Peeps, The Last Days, and more. Westerfeld was born in Texas and alternates summers between Sydney, Australia, and New York City. Steven Cummings lives with his family in the magical land known as almost-Tokyo. He has worked for a variety of comic and manga publishers, ranging from Marvel and DC to Tokyopop, on titles including Wolverine: First Class, Elektra, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Deadshot, and Pantheon High. He is also a member of the Canadian art empire known as Udon. Devin Grayson turned a lifelong obsession with fictional characters into a dynamic writing career. Best known for her work on the Batman titles for DC Comics and the celebrated X-Men: Evolution comic for Marvel, she has written in a number of different media and genres, from comic books and novels to videogame scripts and short essays.