Claude Beata (Author) Claude Beata is a veterinary doctor, specializing in behavioural medicine, based in Toulon, France. A pioneering practitioner working at the cutting-edge of veterinary psychiatry, he has dedicated his life to animal wellbeing. He is a Vice President of the French Association of Vets for Pets and is the author of several bestselling books on pet psychiatry.
Claude Béata sheds new light on animal psychology at a time when we are all, more than ever, reappraising our relationships with living things. In his new book, we learn how cats are affected, in extreme cases, with conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar. It is an enlightening book, helping us to build a relationship with cats in which we have everything to gain * Madame Figaro * Béata demystifies the highly complex behaviours of our little tigers, so that we may better understand them and live more harmoniously together… A fascinating book, charming to read and bursting with anecdotes * Santé Magazine * Across the pages, and with clinical examples, the animal behavioural specialist decrypts the perspective of this enigmatic companion, torn by its dual nature as both predator and prey. The book refers as much to the madness of certain owners as to that of cats, who the author hopes to soothe via his accessible and concrete advice * La Croix * A guide to being the best humans we can be for our cats, with a view to rebuild a ‘respectful relationship'. For the countless humans living with cats, this could become the most useful manual * Focus * Through concrete case-studies which target the major behavioural problems in cats, Claude Béata gives us the keys to love our pets even more. An absolute must-read! * Monaco-Matin * An exciting journey through an alternative mental universe, and a successful gamble for this specialist, who confides having received – in a dream – a diploma in cat-language translation, awarded by the first cat he cared for! * Cerveau & Psycho * In this book, Claude Béata draws on the most recent data in ethology and animal psychology to help us better understand who cats are * Essentiel Vétérinai *