Dr Cathryn Tobin is a Canadian paediatrician with over 30 years of experience working with parents and young children. Dr Tobin has a very large and engaged social media following on Instagram and has been featured in NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, LA Times and on Fox News and CTV. She is the host of the Toddlers Made Easy podcast which offers parents and carers the insights and tools they need to nurture their toddlers with confidence in a short bite-sized format.
Who says ""terrible twos"" have to live up to their name? Dr. Cathryn Tobin, the brain behind @heathiest_baby, flips the script on toddlerhood in Toddlers Made Easy. This practical guide offers solutions for busy parents and will help you ditch the drama, unlock your inner toddler whisperer, and embrace the joys (and yes, sometimes the challenges!) of this exciting stage. * Erica Djossa, CEO & Founder of Momwell, and author of the award-winning book Releasing the Mother Load *