Anne Applebaum is the author of Gulag- A History, which won the Pulitzer Prize, of Iron Curtain- The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956, which won the Cundill Prize, of Red Famine- Stalin's War on Ukraine which won the Lionel Gelber and Duff Cooper prizes, and of the best-selling Twilight of Democracy. She is a columnist for The Atlantic and a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University. She divides her time between Britain, Poland and the USA
Anne Applebaum’s far-sighted book reveals an international network of autocrats who seek to subvert democracy in what has become a decentralized global struggle, with shifting alliances and no monolithic forces of good and evil. But it is also a practical manual packed with specific proposals to combat autocracy, in all its nefarious guises. Now it’s up to us—the proponents of democracy – to step up and put these ideas into action. -- Gary Kasparov