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The Australian Moment

How We Were Made For These Times

George Megalogenis



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03 January 2017
George Megalogenis, one of our most respected political and economic writers, reviews the key events since the 1970s that have forged institutional and political leadership and a canny populace.

He examines how we developed from a closed economy racked by the oil shocks, toughed it out during the sometimes devastating growing pains of deregulation, and survived the Asian financial crisis, the dotcom tech wreck and the GFC to become the last developed nation standing in the 2000s. As a result, whatever happens next, we're as well positioned as any to survive the ongoing rumblings of the Great Recession. Drawing on newly declassified documents, fresh interviews with our former prime ministers and a unique ability to bring the numbers to life, Megalogenis describes how, at just the right time, the Australian people became more farsighted than our politicians.

We stopped spending before the rest of the world, and at the top of a boom voted out a government that was throwing around the biggest bribes ever offered. The Australian Moment is packed with original insight, challenging our often partisan selective memories and revealing how our leadership and community have underestimated each other's contribution to the nation's resilience.

With a new afterword and appendix for the 2015 edition.
Imprint:   Penguin
Country of Publication:   Australia
Dimensions:   Height: 197mm,  Width: 131mm,  Spine: 29mm
Weight:   309g
ISBN:   9780143783503
ISBN 10:   0143783505
Pages:   432
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

George Megalogenis is an author and journalist with three decades' experience in the media. The Australian Moment won the 2013 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Non-fiction and the 2012 Walkley Award for Non-fiction, and formed the basis for the ABC documentary series Making Australia Great. He is also the author of Faultlines, The Longest Decade and Quarterly Essay 40: Trivial Pursuit u Leadership and the End of the Reform Era.

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