Originally from Brisbane, Australia, Darren Groth now lives in Vancouver, Canada, with his Canadian wife and twelve-year-old twins. His books have been published on both sides of the Pacific and include Kindling and Most Valuable Potential. Darren's first YA novel, Are You Seeing Me?, has been shortlisted for several major awards including the Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year, NSW Premier's Literary Awards, Queensland Literary Awards and the Governor General's Literary Awards in Canada. It was also selected as a White Ravens recommendation by the International Youth Library, and was an IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities Selection 2015. Darren, a former special education teacher, is passionate about promoting awareness and understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and he is the proud father of an ASD son. Darren finds inspiration in subjects close to his heart, and Are You Seeing Me? features twins from Brisbane - one disabled, the other his sole carer - on the road trip of a lifetime in British Columbia and Seattle.