Ethan is a bright young boy obsessed with physics and astronomy who lives with his mother, Claire. Claire's life is centred on Ethan; she is fiercely protective of her talented, vulnerable son, and of her own feelings. When Ethan falls ill, tied to a tragic event from when he was a baby, Claire's tightly held world is split open.
On the other side of the country, Mark is trying to forget about the events that tore his family apart. Then a sudden and unexpected call home forces him to confront the hole in his life that was once filled with his wife Claire and his son Ethan.
When Ethan secretly intercepts a letter from Mark to Claire, he unleashes long-suppressed forces that – like gravity – pull the three together again, testing the limits of love and forgiveness.
Antonia Hayes Imprint: Penguin Country of Publication: Australia Dimensions:
Height: 198mm,
Width: 132mm,
Spine: 23mm
Weight: 262g ISBN:9780143574040 ISBN 10: 0143574043 Publication Date:02 May 2016 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active