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Sonya Hartnett



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28 June 2010
As life slips away, Gabriel looks back over his brief twenty years that have been clouded by frustration and humiliation. A small town and distant parents ensure that he is never allowed to forget the horrific mistake he made as a child.

As life slips away, Gabriel looks back over his brief twenty years that have been clouded by frustration and humiliation. A small town and distant parents ensure that he is never allowed to forget the horrific mistake he made as a child. He has only two friends - his dog Surrender, and the unruly wild boy Finnigan, with whom he made a boyhood pact.

When a series of arson attacks grips the town, Gabriel realises how unpredictable and dangerous Finnegan is. Events begin to spiral out of control, and it becomes clear that only the most extreme of measures will rid Gabriel of Finnegan for good.
Imprint:   Penguin
Country of Publication:   Australia
Dimensions:   Height: 180mm,  Width: 112mm,  Spine: 15mm
Weight:   142g
ISBN:   9780143204725
ISBN 10:   0143204726
Pages:   252
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Young adult ,  Preschool (0-5)
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Sonya Hartnett is the author of several novels, including Thursday's Child, Forest, and Of a Boy,

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