When Primary Colours made such an impact with its behind closed doors story of US presidential shenanigans, the identity of its anonymous 'insider' author was the source of considerable speculation. Now we know that the author is Joe Klein, can he conjure up the same reader fascination for his second book The Running Mate despite no longer being 'anonymous'? The answer, largely, is yes (although the debacle of the American election gives fiction something of a run for its money). In the new book, Klein plunges the reader into a vivid, scabrous political journey with Senator Charlie Martin. Charlie has seen distinguished service in Vietnam and moved on to an easy success in the politics of his own state. But his campaign for the presidency is set back by accusations of sexual harassment, and a long-hidden secret from his Vietnam days is revealed. In the turbulent centre of this tale of political spin and skulduggery, marketing and character assassination, Klein ensures that the reader is totally involved in the troubles of the hapless Charlie, and as in Primary Colours, the balance between black comedy and the outrageous demands of realpolitik are painted with a master's touch. (Kirkus UK)