In a world struggling back from the brink of apocalypse, life is harsh. But for Elspeth Gordie, born with enhanced mental abilities that would see her sterilised or burned if discovered, it is also dangerous.
In a world struggling back from the brink of apocalypse, life is harsh. But for Elspeth Gordie, born with enhanced mental abilities that would see her sterilised or burned if discovered, it is also dangerous.
Isobelle Carmody Imprint: Penguin Country of Publication: Australia Edition: Re-issue Volume: Vol 1 Dimensions:
Height: 181mm,
Width: 112mm,
Spine: 17mm
Weight: 151g ISBN:9780140178548 ISBN 10: 0140178546 Pages: 264 Publication Date:01 June 1993 Audience:
Young adult
Preschool (0-5)
Language:Persian Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active