Born in Moscow in 1821, Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky is regarded as one of the greatest writers who ever lived. Literary modernism and various schools of psychology and theology have been deeply changed by his ideas. He died in 1881 in St Petersburg, Russia. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky were awarded the PEN Book-of-the-Month Club Translation for their version of The Brothers Karamazov. They are married and live in France.
You read every shimmering, tormented word, mesmerised. This is Dostoevsky in distillation, a prelude not just to his leading works, but to the entire 20th century... How is it possible to have a character who evokes aspects of Hitler and Pooter, who is hilarious yet disturbing, and both villain and victim? Because Dostoevsky was a genius, and the narrator of Notes From Underground his most protean character, with whom you never quite know how you stand Sunday Times Dostoevsky's is a genuinely disembodied voice, speaking for all sufferers and victims Guardian