Dr Valerie Muter is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Great Ormond St Children's Hospital where she specialises in working with children with both developmental and neurologically-based learning disorders. She holds an Honorary Research Fellowship at the Centre for Reading and Language, University of York, and has carried out extensive collaborative research into reading development and dyslexia with Professor Margaret Snowling, the UK's leading authority on dyslexia.She was a consultant psychologist at the Dyslexia Institute (now Dyslexia Action) for 20 years. Dr Helen Likierman is a consultant clinical psychologist working with families and children (from pre-schoolers to older adolescents) where there are concerns about learning, behaviour or emotional state. She was a consultant psychologist at the Dyslexia Institute (now Dyslexia Action) for 3 years. Currently, she works as a school counsellor and also holds a regular clinic for assessing children with learning difficulties and advising teachers and parents. She is married with two children, one of whom (her son, now aged 16) is dyspraxic and dyslexic.