Lauren Gurrieri is Associate Professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT University, Australia. Her research examines gender, consumption and the marketplace, with a focus on gendered inequalities in consumer and digital cultures. This includes gendered representations in advertising and social media; body norms and beauty ideals in consumer culture; violence against women and marketing; and the strategies used by women to resist and challenge exclusion and marginalisation in the marketplace. Jenna Drenten is Associate Professor of Marketing in the Quinlan School of Business, USA, where she studies digital consumer culture: the sociocultural role of social media platforms in everyday consumer life. Her research explains how digital culture—from social media algorithms to the influencer attention economy—structures social and cultural consumption ideologies and how consumers’ lived experiences are mediated, translated, and commodified through digital culture. Crystal Abidin is a Digital Anthropologist and Ethnographer of Vernacular Internet Cultures. She researches influencer cultures, especially in the Asia Pacific region, and has published 6 books and over 80 articles and chapters. Crystal is Professor of Internet Studies at Curtin University, Australia, and Director of the influencer Ethnography Research Lab. Reach her at