"In ""Essence Animated,"" acclaimed artist Damian Draco redefines the boundaries of art and technology. This groundbreaking artbook showcases the natural allure and beauty of the feminine form, masterfully combined with advanced artificial intelligence to produce intimate yet powerful animated pieces of art. Each page captures the essence of femininity through the seamless integration of traditional art and cutting-edge digital animation, bringing static images to life in a mesmerizing dance of form and function. ""Essence Animated"" is not just an artbook; it is a journey into the future of art, where the organic and the synthetic coalesce to create a new visual language that speaks to the heart and soul. Dive into Draco's visionary world and experience the transformative power of AI-enhanced artistry."
Damian Draco Imprint: IngramSpark Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 203mm,
Width: 127mm,
Spine: 4mm
Weight: 91g ISBN:9781088053140 ISBN 10: 1088053149 Pages: 60 Publication Date:16 August 2024 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active