Manuel Lezaeta Acharn (1881-1959). Mdico naturista, profesor, escritor y abogado por la Universidad de Chile. Pionero de la Medicina natural y reconocido por su Doctrina trmica. Gran divulgador de la medicina natural en pases latinoamericanos y Estados Unidos. Discpulo del Padre Tadeo, quien le mostr su Sistema hidroterpico. Fundador de la Asociacin de Cultores de la Vida Natural. Manuel Lezaeta Acharn (1881-1959). Naturopathic doctor, professor, writer and lawyer from the University of Chile. Pioneer of natural medicine and recognized for his thermal doctrine. Great popularizer of natural medicine in Latin American countries and the United States. Disciple of Father Tadeo, who showed him his hydrotherapy system. Founder of the Natural Life Cultists Association.