SHEILA SQUILLANTE is the author of the poetry collections, Mostly Human, winner of the 2020 Wicked Woman Book Prize from BrickHouse Books, and Beautiful Nerve, as well as three chapbooks of poetry: In This Dream of My Father, Women Who Pawn Their Jewelry and A Woman Traces the Shoreline. She is also co-author, along with Sandra L. Faulkner, of the writing craft book, Writing the Personal: Getting Your Stories Onto the Page. Her nonfiction has appeared in the Rumpus, River Teeth, Brevity, Bennington Review, Barrelhouse and elsewhere. She directs the MFA program in creative writing at Chatham University, where she is Executive Editor of The Fourth River, a journal of nature and place-based writing. She lives in Pittsburgh, PA, with her family.
"""Squilante's All Things Edible, Random and Odd is the best book I've ever read about what it means to be a father's daughter. The book embraces all of the complexities of having, and losing, a father who was more present in the experiences he gave his children--particularly the food he served them--than in conversation or engagement with them. It's a book about mourning both what was lost and what never was. A master class in writing sentiment without sentimentality, Squilante's wry voice and trenchant observations guide us on a journey of love, loss, and moving forward."" --Sarah Einstein, Pushcart Prize Winner ""In these stunning poems filled with the weight and hungers of milk, honey, and sensuous blood-pulse, Sheila Squillante deftly slips between exterior and interior spaces of embodiment and intellect, quotidian and sublime, dream and wakefulness. With a painterly eye and an impeccable ear for linguistic sound and phrasing, the keenly-thrumming poems in Beautiful Nerve will rivet you with their quirky precision, and make you swoon with their wild and gorgeous music."" --Lee Ann Roripaugh, Author of Dandarians"