Roberto Bolano was born in Santiago, Chile in 1953 and died in Catalonia in 2003. He was widely regarded as the essential Latin American writer of our age. He was best known for his novels (including The Savage Detectives, which won a number of prestigious literary awards, Nocturno de Chile, translated as By Night in Chile, and 2666, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award) and his short stories, first published in English in Last Evenings on Earth.
A spellbinder * Newseek * Roberto Bolaño was a game changer: his field was politics, poetry and melancholia . . . and his writing was always unparalleled * Mariana Enríquez * We savour all he has written as every offering is a portal into the elaborate terrain of his genius -- Patti Smith Roberto Bolaño’s work is a sprawling labyrinth of surprise, bold invention, and images that will live with you forever -- Chris Power Roberto Bolaño was a flat-out genius, one of the greatest writers of our time. -- Paul Auster